Weed Control

Weeds can spoil the look of your site and take water and nutrients from plants you want to grow.  We work with customers to draw up a regular schedule of weed control spraying to inhibit the growth of weeds.

Weed control on paths, pavements and streets

Generally, we spray two or three times a year using an application of herbicide that includes the active ingredient glyphosate.  Usually the weeds will dieback within 14 days of the treatment being applied.  The herbicide will act on weeds above the surface level, and is absorbed through the leaves.  This herbicide will not contaminate the soil or water table.

Weed control on large grassy areas

When controlling weeds on grass areas we use a herbicide that will work only on the weeds and not damage the surrounding grass.  We often use a Frazier Agribuggy with a 21-meter boom to spray weed inhibitor on large grass areas.  The weed inhibitor removes broad leaved weeds (e.g. dandelion and creeping buttercup).  Using the Agribuggy means large areas can be covered quickly and a consistent amount of weed inhibitor is used.

Invasive weed control

We identify, remove, and prevent the spread of harmful weed species. We offer services not limited to the control of:

  • Japanese Knotweed
  • Himalayan Balsam
  • Giant Hogweed
  • Bracken

We utilise a fleet of specialist and purpose built vehicles including Landrovers and Supercar/ATV’s as well as the more conventional knapsack sprayers, CDA’s (controlled droplet applicators) and granule spreaders ensuring the correct tool is deployed dependant on the job at hand.

Trained operatives complying with health and safety procedures

We ensure weed control is conducted within strict health and safety guidelines.  Our excellent team have the relevant qualifications including PA1 (Safe Use of Pesticides) and PA6 (Pedestrian Handheld Equipment). Our staff are provided with all necessary safety equipment including, waterproof overalls, gloves, head and face protection, face masks and breathing apparatus and footwear.

We check that there are no children or adults in the immediate area and conduct a Control of Substance Hazardous to Health (COSHH) assessment before spraying.

We will only conduct weed control spraying in the appropriate weather conditions. If it is too windy, too hot or rain is scheduled we may postpone weed control spraying.

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Nurture Landscapes